Emily Siegel Health Practices, LLC
Reduce Stress, Revitalize Health
Emily Siegel Health Practices, LLC
Reduce Stress, Revitalize Health
Reduce Stress, Revitalize Health
Reduce Stress, Revitalize Health
Biodynamic craniosacral therapy was developed by William Sutherland, D.O. toward the end of his life. It is a subtle, but powerful technique from the osteopathic field that utilizes a light touch to complement the body's natural healing processes. Despite the name, treatment is focused on the whole body and is not limited to the cranium and sacrum. As is the case with meditation, the stillness inherent in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy both increases consciousness and provides a platform for profound change.
"It's funny that all she does is put her hands on you and you can feel your bones moving ...well, the inside of your head vibrating, opening and getting looser...like a flower bud." ~MN, Kindergartner
"She is sitting up with no problem now and rolling back and forth both ways where before it was just one way. Thank you, Emily" ~LM, Grandmother of a 7-month old baby (remote session)
" Thank you again for all you have done for me and my general wellbeing. I feel like a different person from when I first started seeing you. I have a healthier outlook about leaving the past behind and being committed to an exciting future!" ~LF, Mother and Grandmother
"When I came here it almost was if I didn't know myself, if you know what I mean. Now, I'm back again. It is nice to be me. It is nice to be me!" ~LK, Hairdresser
Neural and Visceral Manipulation were developed in France by osteopaths Jean Pierre Barral, D.O. and Alain Crobier, D.O. to release restrictions and associated tensions within all structures of the body, including the brain, nerves, viscera, fascia, vascular and lymphatic systems. Balance is restored within and between the structures of the body, so that each can slide and glide without restriction in relation to neighboring tissues. Releasing neural and visceral restrictions can be effective in addressing chronic and acute pain, discomfort, and dysfunction and have a global positive effect on both physical and emotional health and well-being.
"My neck and head felt much lighter after yesterday's treatment and movement is much freer than it has been in a long time. I am very happy with all the work you have done on my body over the past year and a half -- can't thank you enough for your gentle but powerful touch. It's made a big difference in my life." ~JCC, Sociologist
"This is equal parts ice cream and leafy green veggies for me. I need this and you help me to know myself. It is wonderful!" ~CR, PT
"When I got out of bed Thursday and didn't have to sort of 'will' my body to work, I was completely amazed and I haven't been able to stop smiling since. I have an overall sense of relief and general well-being. I know that there is still a lot that I have to face, but I finally feel that I am in the right space and I have the right guide to do so." ~SS, Teacher
"I just want you to know that we had M's Audiology test on Friday to re-test her hearing. She had "totally normal hearing in both ears"!!!! The two doctors that did the testing were in a state of absolute amazement due to the mild/moderate loss she was diagnosed with in May. They thought some was due to the fluid/congestion but that the pattern of loss was more indicative of what you would see with nerve impairment (versus just fluid). They were seriously stunned with the results. It was fantastic to see. ;) Mostly, I'm just so grateful to you for avoiding surgery, hearing aids, etc - the road that we were surely being led down a few months ago." ~ER, Mother of a 3-year old
Somatic Experiencing was developed by Peter Levine, Ph.D., author of Waking the Tiger, to release traumatic shock from the body and brain. This methodology provides tools to reduce emotional and developmental stress in the body through the transformation of physiological processes that have been stuck in fight, flight, and freeze. Many people report feeling a greater sense of freedom and calm after working with this modality.
"The feeling of energy -- and freedom! -- was amazing! I feel like my insides are dancing! What a journey... Thank you!" ~SH, Mother, Grandmother (remote session)
"I never thought I would be at this point in my life. Things are coming together. Things are calming down. I guess if I start chipping away at myself, things will start getting better." ~AB, Iraq War Veteran
"Emily has a keen sense of listening and a unique sensitivity that enables her to easily connect with, and gain the trust of, individuals from diverse backgrounds." ~CC, Spanish Language Instructor, Translator, Teacher
"Emily Siegel Health Practices has helped me with taming the symptoms of my PTSD and has helped me to find my voice and choice in the world again. Thank you Emily for your awesome work and dedication." ~KH, Veteran, Veterinarian, Therapist
Emily specializes in helping individuals release stress and trauma to lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilled lives. People often seek her services when they are not finding answers elsewhere or would like to complement the work they are doing with other practitioners. Emily supports clients of all ages, from newborns to adults, by drawing on a diverse array of tools and techniques to work with the whole body: nerves, fascia, organs, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, muscles, and bone. She is able to offer in-person sessions with a light touch over clothing and remote sessions to address a variety of conditions, not limited to physical, sexual, and emotional trauma; accidents; injuries; falls; concussions; digestive distress; infertility; sensory integration issues; prenatal, birth, and developmental trauma; chronic conditions; and the end of life. Her primary focus is the nervous system.
Emily’s PhD and MPH are in Public Health with a focus in International Health and Human Nutrition. Her doctoral research focuses on the effect of micronutrients on infant development outcomes. She has spent the past couple of decades with individuals in both the developed and developing world on health and nutrition issues. Growing up she gained invaluable experience caring and advocating for her father’s health as he suffered from multiple chronic conditions. Between 2000 and 2003, she lived in Nepal where she collected data for her doctorate during a civil insurgency. Being in the country at that time was both stressful and traumatic; she rarely felt safe and returned home with numerous gastrointestinal issues. Through her personal healing process, she gained knowledge about and tools for healing that she enjoys sharing with others.
PhD (2005), International Health and Human Nutrition,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
MPH (1997), International Health and Human Nutrition,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
BA (1992), Psychology, Connecticut College, New London, CT
Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT):
MD #: M04343; D.C. #: MT1377
Potomac Massage Training Institute, Washington DC
Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST ®),
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America.
Craniosacral Biodynamics Advanced Training Course, Wellness Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Trauma Institute, Boulder, CO
Advanced training in Visceral, Neural, and Vascular Manipulation, Barral Institute, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Holistic Health Counselor (HHC), Institute for Integrative Nutrition/Columbia University's Teacher's College, New York, NY;
Certified Traumatologist (CT), Green Cross Academy of Traumatology, Hugo, MN
Healing Touch Practitioner (HTP), Healing Touch Program, Arvada, CO
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT-ADV) - Advanced Practice, Pace Educational Systems, East Millstone, NJ.
Unyte-iLS Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) Certification, Dr. Stephen Porges via Integrated Listening Systems, Littleton, CO
American Association of Clinical Nutrition
International Association of Healthcare Practitioners
Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America
Healing Touch Professional Organization
7326 University Ave, Glen Echo, MD 20812
Copyright © 2018 Emily Siegel Health Practices, LLC - All Rights Reserved.